SIX MONTH SNAIL MAIL geared towards GIRLs age 9-14.
She will receive a piece of mail every month for 6 months.
This will include three CHAPTERS of an ORIGINAL STORY,
a personalized NOTE with doodles,
a personalized piece of ART, and a coordinating NECKLACE.
The first package will be mailed within 3 days of payment.
The next package will be mailed one month later and so on.
I will need name (especially first initial) and address of recipient.
Also four or five activities that she is interested in (the more, the better.) and her favourite colour.
The name of the person giving this gift. And your EMAIL.
Rebecca Smith
123 Fifth St.
Anytown, ON
L1N 1N1
Goes by BECKY so B.
Dance, baseball, Girl Guides, theatre, the beach, sewing and hiking.
Love from Aunt Tilly. [email protected]
Send email to [email protected] with the above info after purchase or with any questions.
IG: @thecitrinecircle_
"I just finished Chapter 1!! It's so good, I can't wait for the next part!"
-Julie, age 12, St. Catharines