Since I started keeping track of my biking, I have ridden 1432 km.
I finished the virtual Camino de Santiago in Spain. Then I biked the Great Ocean Road in Australia, then the Alps to Ocean in New Zealand. Now I am doing the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia. At the same time, I am walking the Ring of Kerry in Ireland. The app is really good for keeping track of everything. I will have to take a couple photos of my medals when I hang them up!
So, the last 10 years or so, I have wanted to do the Camino de Santiago. Not walking though. I would rather bike it. Time, money and fitness level at the moment would prevent me from doing it but I saw The Conqueror Event Series and thought I would try the Camino virtually. So, today I sign up. I downloaded the apps and I am ready to start tomorrow. If you are interested: it is HERE. There are other Challenges: Hadrian's Wall, Inca Trail, English Channel, Alps to Ocean, Great Ocean Road, Grand Canyon, Length of the UK, Route 66, The Appalachian Trail. It looks like I picked one of the longer ones! I start in virtual Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France. In August of 2011, my daughter, her friend and myself did a bike ride around the Greater Niagara Circle Route. Quite an accomplishment for me. It was fun.....ish.
ShanaMe? Canadian, writer, RN, crafter, Girl Guide Leader, Red Hatter, 3-dog owner, photographer, geocacher, cool Mom, and all around FUN and FUNNY person! Categories