My tree is up. My wooden tree. This is the third year for it. I still love it. A friend made it for me and I painted it and put the gazillion hooks in it!
I bought another string of lights this year! I still think that it needs more lights. I just wish that I had a blank wall to put it beside. I could even leave it up all year - take all the decorations off and put plants on it or something!! We have three dogs. I have been making my own dog food lately. We are trying to move a way from bagged, processed dog food to a more natural,
well-balanced fresh food diet. I bought this at a second hand store for $6. It sat around for about 6 months before I decided what to do with it. I took the picture out, painted it with chalk paint, sanded, waxed and buffed it.
Here is part of my display at the craft show that I was participating in today. I didn't make as much money as I had hoped but it was fun.
If anyone is in the area on November 28, I will be one of the vendors. My first craft show. Jewellery, jewellery boxes, journals.
The Turquoise Workshop |
ShanaMe? Canadian, writer, RN, crafter, Girl Guide Leader, Red Hatter, 3-dog owner, photographer, geocacher, cool Mom, and all around FUN and FUNNY person! Categories